Managing, using, and developing for or on Microsoft Windows 10 and 11
For PowerShell on Windows, adding a security privilege to a user takes more effort than one would expect. Here we show a method with no third party dependencies.
The official Ubuntu images that are built for Azure/Hyper-V really are only compatible with Hyper-V on Azure, but there is a solution…
This guide provides and important step missing from any articles I could find on converting from a Windows 7 physical machine to a Hyper-V (or other) virtual machine.
These are some personal notes about setting up a very nice combined Windows and Linux productivity and development environment.
These are notes on creating a Windows and Linux hybrid environment, specifically when running Windows in a Libvirt/KVM VM.
These are notes on creating a Windows and Linux hybrid environment, specifically when running Windows on a physical machine
Obtaining and/or creating Windows install media for Windows 10 Pro
A quick guide to a base install of windows, for completeness.
Some recommended first steps after a base install of Windows 10.
Windows post-install extra tweaks and recommendations
For Power BI, if your data source does not already have a date dimension table, Microsoft strongly recommends adding one in Power Query M-code. Here we show how to do that for a fiscal year date table.