Privacy statement
Informal privacy policy for ‘Wild Tech Garden’; as a one person operation we depend on our hosting for privacy
Who we are
At the moment it is the ‘royal we’ and ‘I’ am
Hosting service privacy policy
This site is hosted on OVHcloud. This means your IP address, browser, and other industry standard web server logs are preserved and kept available. We are not aware of specific limits on retention of these logs.
Contact Form
Information submitted in a contact form on this site may be transmitted to third parties and analyzed in accordance with the host service’s privacy policy. In particular anti-spam measures are in place. Further data submitted in a contact form may (or may not) be retained indefinitely and may (or may not) be used as the site operator wishes subject to any applicable laws and regulations.
Web Analytics
This site uses Ahrefs Web Analytics, which bills itself as a “simple, privacy-friendly solution for monitoring your website’s usage”.