Song of natural freedom
A little personal creativity diversion from the technical/professional content of this blog
2024-12-16: Renamed due to discovering the Song of the Free circa 1860, out of respect for the flight from slavery to freedom.
Yea though I walk through the vale of death
I will fear no evil
I have no rod and no staff to comfort me.
Yet will I lay me down in green pastures
and find the still waters.
I acknowledge no master,
nor have knowledge of
any god, devil, or spirit.
I do not bend before the fury of the winds of the day,
nor do I bow or break before the storm.
I seek not solace in dreams of heaven,
I do not fear the depths of hell,
nor the dull joylessness of purgatory,
for I have known them all.
I pay homage to no prince nor power,
nor worship gods or demons.
Neither do I claim deification
or pride of place.
I claim, only,
to be myself.